1010 Park Place
San Mateo, California

Find out what acupuncture does to effortlessly improve your immune system to combat stress, anxiety, PMS, menopausal symptoms and digestive problems.

Learn how Chinese herbal medicine works compared to Western herbs. Find out why Chinese herbs such as ginseng, dang kui, or astragalus may be more harmful than helpful to you.

What exactly is Acupuncture and does it really hurt? Find out if the needles are really inserted in random locations on the body.

What is so different about Chinese herbs? Learn how Chinese herbs is used differently than western herbs. She addresses why seeing a well-trained herbalist is essential for the best results. Find out what key symptoms you should pay attention to when taking herbs or any new supplements. Learn what the Chinese herbs in-stock at Whole Foods are for, so that you can help yourself.

Official Website: http://www.meridiansoflight.com/events/TutorialonAcupunctureandHerbsLecture.htm

Added by tweets on July 30, 2007