11320 Neeshaw Dr
Houston, Texas 77065

Amperor Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of the AmperorMusic website, located at http://www.amperormusic.com. Through the website, Amperor is committed to help musicians and sound engineers to enhance their music and to simplify their work. Musicians can concentrate on making beautiful musical notes, while Amperor’s solutions will help them with tedious issues such as noise reduction, guitar pedal setup, power, and battery replacement.

At the launch of the website, Amperor also introduced Voltz, the most advanced effect pedal power supply on the market. “The Voltz’s built-in 6000mAh battery is so powerful that it can power up to 20 pedals for 8 consecutive hours from one charge. Additionally, the isolated output system can totally eliminate 60 cycle hum and ground loop hiss that bother musicians for decades.”, said Howard Chang, project manager.

If you are a musician or a sound engineer, you are welcome to come to our office to try out this new and revolutionary product. You can also call 281-807-3320 EXT 106 (ask for Jon Roesch) for quetions or maybe request a demonstration on your site.

Official Website: http://www.amperormusic.com

Added by Amperor on February 15, 2007

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