29 Cornelia Street, NYC
New York City, New York 10014

Amy X Neuburg (www.amyxneuburg.com) is widely considered one of the most innovative practitioners of voice and live electronics performance working today. She calls her style “avant-cabaret,” as it combines theater and wordplay, intricate multi-layered composition, expressive use of music technology (with emphases on drums and live looping), and exploration of multiple genres using the many colors of her 4-octave vocal range -- with lyrics ranging from the personal and poignant to the political and downright outrageous. Joshua Kosman of the San Francisco Chronicle calls Amy "A wonderful composer-performer," whose "songs channel the rhythms of urban life through the seriocomic sensibility of a born entertainer.”

Official Website: http://corneliastreetcafe.com

Added by HVasey on November 15, 2011

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