S. 7th St.
Richmond, Virginia 23219

Anthem Stride Through Time, the Sports Backers newest event, showcases Richmond’s treasure trove of historic sites in a 10k walk. While being healthy and active walking this 10k, surprises around each turn will entertain you including live music, costumed interpreters and more. It’s historical entertainment and fitness all rolled into one.

On-line registration closes at 11:59 p.m. on May 28

Entry Fee includes:

* Bib #
* Goodie Bag
* Water Stops along the course
* Finisher T-shirt
* Finisher food
* Free admission to many of the cultural and historical attractions along the route, plus live entertainment, performances, living history and more.

Official Website: http://www.sportsbackers.org/events/stride/stride_through_time.htm

Added by RVANews on April 30, 2009

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