1855 Main St
Santa Monica, California 90401

Contemporary Crafts Market of Santa Monica hosts Designer, Artist, Wearable Art Designer, Sculptor VALERY GUIGNON in BOOTH #116 at their annual event June 10, 11, 12 at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. http://www.guignon.com/

FREE ADMISSION with this Postcard: http://www.contemporarycraftsmarket.com/resources/Free-Pass/June-2011-PC3.png

"Wearable Art" from Valery Guignon is Scarves, Kimonos, many hand dyed silk pieces including hand dyed silk scarves with shells, beach glass and other treasures installed in mesh corners of some pieces. See the KIMONOS here http://www.guignon.com/kimonos.htm

"Since my childhood, I’ve been enthralled with the idea of dressing things. I first remember dressing my bedposts with ribbons and fabric scraps from my mother’s sewing chest. Then I moved on to the cat… " says Guignon See the SHAWLS here http://www.guignon.com/shawls.htm

Valery Guignon majored in Industrial Design at Pratt Institute and has gone on to a life-long career as a professional artist creating sculptures, wearable art, silk lamps, gifts and other beautiful works.
See the LAMPS here: http://www.guignon.com/lamps.htm

Guignon share, "My goal has always been to combine art and practicality. Now I’m pleased to produce a product that is a highly functional garment as well as an original painting. These pieces can be hung on the wall as well and used to enhance an outfit."
See the SCARVES http://www.guignon.com/scarves.htm

Stop by BOOTH 116 at the Contemporary Crafts Market at Santa Monica Civic Auditorium

Want advance peeks so you can make advance orders that you can pick up at the market? Just take a look on the website:

FREE ADMISSION with this postcard:

Added by Movie Premieres on June 2, 2011

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