1413 5th Ave
Moline, Illinois 61265

"Backyard Tire Fire explores the harder side of life with a simple mans brilliance that never takes itself too seriously." - Harp Magazine
"Yes, their music rules as hard as their name does. Just when you thought alt country went out with Pokémon, Backyard Tire Fire bring something new to the table. - Real Networks' Rhapsody

"While the two primary building blocks of the "alt-country" movement (Neil Young and Uncle Tupelo) are present, strong elements of Southern rock, soul, stinging funk, college rock, glam and even vintage British Invasion poke through - all with startling dynamic range and authority." - IA City Press Citizen

Event submitted by Eventful on behalf of backyardtirefire.

Added by BackyardTireFire on March 4, 2006

Interested 1