5905 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90036

Tim Burton's reinvention of the Batman franchise returned the caped crusader to the moody, noirish, 1940s roots of the original comic while also delivering Warner Bros. a blockbuster series that has yielded five sequels to date. Batman tells the origin story of the costumed crime-fighter (Michael Keaton), revealing how billionaire Bruce Wayne, scarred by childhood trauma, becomes a nocturnal vigilante. With his skin-tight latex suit, cave full of gadgets, and terse speech, Burton's belongs among the director's many orphaned anti-heroes. Burton's Gotham is an urban dystopia cluttered with clashing architectural styles and steamy, darkened alleys swarming with criminals. Chief among the crooks is the bleach-faced, flame-haired Joker (Jack Nicholson, full of winner-takes-all gusto). Using Wayne's love-interest—brassy, tousled photographer Vicky Vale (Kim Basinger)—as bait, The Joker lures Batman into a cataclysmic battle to save his beloved city and its inhabitants. Inspired in part by Alan Moore's graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke, which delved into The Joker's deep-seeded psychosis, Burton's Batman smashed box-office records in the summer of 1989 and remains a darkly-exhilarating thrill ride.

This program is in conjunction with the current Tim Burton exhibition on view at LACMA.

Official Website: http://www.lacma.org/event/batman

Added by Lacma on June 13, 2011