2730 NW 31st
Portland, Oregon 97210

Come to raise your glass and support a not-for-profit Czech-American cultural exchange. In the middle of October 2012, the Czech professional, contemporary theatre company Geisslers Hofcomoedianten from Prague is coming to Portland to work with students, exchange with local artists and meet with the community.

They will also perform for you!

For your $30 cash at the door, you will get:
2 free beers and free, delicious brewery-made goodies for dinner
Live piano music
Silent auction with real Czech products
Short video introduction to the company Geisslers Hofcomoedianten
Great music and show by Portland based company Hand2Mouth Theater, the partner on the project and our special guest.

RSVP at [email protected]

Official Website: http://ahojpdx.org/profiles/blogs/benefit-evening-of-music-and-fun-at-mactarnahan-s

Added by katerina bohadlova on May 17, 2012

Interested 1