1000 LaSalle Avenue, TMH 166
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

The Building Your Organizational Career program is designed for networking professionals who wish to evaluate and improve upon their career management skills.

Investment today in career management training will position your company for success in the future. Many companies are still feeling the strain of the economy – implementing all available resources, both internal and external, is necessary. With the number of employees in organizations diminishing, making the most of these individuals is key.
This one-day program will especially benefit individuals seeking to:

• Grow their presence and attract attention within their organization
• Develop high-quality initiatives that demonstrate leadership capacities
• Improve working relationships and communication of their personal “brand”
• Expand their professional network and find strong mentors

Upcoming offerings:
November 3, 2010
Wednesday, Full Day

There are no prerequisites to enroll in this non-degree program. Pre-readings and resources are made available to all participants prior to the first module to maximize the learning experience.

Please visit the University of St. Thomas Building Your Organizational Career website for more information or copy and paste the following URL: http://exed.stthomas.edu/BuildingYourCareerMN.

Official Website: http://exed.stthomas.edu/BuildingYourCareerMN

Added by ustcbe on September 15, 2010

Interested 1