150 E. Fourth St
Claremont, California 91711

This Pomona College organist has offered recitals across the United States, presenting programs from all-Bach to French and Belgian organ music of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Peterson will perform on the Pomona College Hill Memorial Organ built by C.B. Fisk, Inc. The 3,519-piped instrument is eclectic, combining facets of the work of 19th-century French organ-builder Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, a tradition of more powerful reed stops, and German organ-making traditions going back to the 14th century. Peterson’s recital features music by Guilmant, Karl Kohn, Krenek, Saint-Saëns and Vierne. More information at: www.music.pomona.edu/calendar.shtml.

Added by Pomona Music on March 1, 2011