400 S Palafox St
Pensacola, Florida 32502

Taste of Tahiti: Chef Irv will create dishes gleaned from some of his favorite Polynesian-inspired recipes and from his favorite chefs - using ingredients from our local markets. From the mid-1800s, as each wave of new immigrants came to work in the sugarcane fields, they introduced flavors and ingredients from their homelands. Mangoes, melons, pineapples, grapefruits and bananas can be found at street markets throughout the country. For those looking for more exotic fruit samples, include the lychees, rambutans, or the pamplemousse, a huge grapefruit. Tahiti's pineapples are known to be the sweetest in the world, and there are also more than 300 varieties of banana grown there. Only 20 years ago, international gourmands would never have believed Tahiti could blend in Hawaii's melting pot to produce a regional cuisine as distinctive and delicious as cuisines of the mainland.

Official Website: http://www.visitpensacola.com/listings/11191/?event_id=21280#event_21280

Added by WhenCorp on December 4, 2012

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