519 West Dickson St
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72071

Corb Lund was born and raised in rural southern Alberta and comes from four generations of Canadian ranchers and cowboys. He writes and sings the songs. He grew up riding horseback, chasing cattle and rodeoing on the prairies and in the foothills of the Rockies the first half of his life. Then he spent ten years driving across Canada, the States, Australia and Europe in an old van with his indie rock band called 'the smalls', playing every funky dive along the way. His writing reflects the unholy marriage of these experiences. He calls his music scruffy country, ulterior country, dissident country, subversive country, insubordinate country, non-toxic country, or western music with some hair on it. Take your pick.

Official Website: http://www.corblund.com

Added by rgkent on May 3, 2008



The Bonobo website says Mighty, yet blasthaus says Fat City. Hmmmm...

http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/235251/ (mighty event)


The Bonobo website says Mighty, yet blasthaus says Fat City. Hmmmm...

http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/235246 (fat city event)


it's both.


I emailed will of Blasthaus, and he said:

hey jesse
no sweat, we had the venue incorrect originally, its at Fat City.
just show up to the venue with valid ID and you will be
on the will call list

On 8/17/07, Jesse wrote:
> Hi, I bought a ticket to Bonobo, and it says it's at Mighty. Now I see
> it at Fat City the same night, and not Mighty. Did you change venues?
> Am I okay, or do I need to like do something to still have a ticket?
> Are there two shows?

So this listing is incorrect and it is at Fat City.


I emailed blasthaus about this. Fat City is correct. Mighty is incorrect.


psst, upcoming people:
this entry is incorrect and now a dupe of http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/235246/
please merge them!


Got in line at 11:15pm. Got to the front (mostly by attrition) at 12:36am, only to be told that the free RSVP was over at midnight. If you're going to close down the RSVP list, the least you can do is send someone down the line to tell everyone that it's closed, rather than leaving them hanging. Or better yet...have some balls and just charge for the event, rather than hedging your bets with a RSVP list. I would have gladly paid to go see these guys, but after RSVP'ing and waiting in line all that time, I just couldn't bring myself to hand over money after treatment like that. Have some respect!