4820 Caroline Street, Houston, TX 77004
Houston, Texas 77004

In his first book, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, writes about how a corporate culture modeled on happiness can be a powerful way of achieving success.

Is your town happy? Prove it. Celebrate the June 7 launch of Delivering Happiness by attending or organizing your own Delivering Happiness Meetup in your city. Watch us live from New York at 7pm ET, as we livestream from the launch party.

Free copies of the book will be available to people who RSVP on this website and attend, while supplies last.

Give Aways & Door Prizes*:

Delivering Happiness, by Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh
OPEN Book: A Practical Guide for Business Growth

*While supplies last. Must RSVP on Meetup website to be eligible, and must be present to win.

RSVP and Details:

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/houston-business/calendar/13626925/

Added by WisTex on June 4, 2010