6215 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90028

deviantART, the largest online art community in the world, is throwing a huge event in a jet hangar with art classes, vendor booths, artist displays, and much more.

Visit deviantartsummit.com for more information.

The venue has changed to the Hollywood Palladium.

Added by notasausage on March 21, 2005



As a member and huge supporter of deviantART, you can expect to find me in Santa Monica for this event in June. Don't miss out on the cheaper registration by getting your tickets now!


I'll be there will bells on :)


It would appear that I am going to the summit so I expect to see you folks there, along with the many other deviants that will be fun to finally meet!


I'll be there, I've saved up quite a bit, more than I expected for the journey :)