83 Spring Street
New York City, New York 10012

Allie Roth, MA

So many of us go from job to job, from career to career and never really find the satisfaction we're looking for. We fail to listen to that voice inside that knows what we are meant to do.

In this class, we will start with the assumption that we all have special gifts that we need to express in this world. When we deny these talents we destroy our spirit. When we honor the wisdom of our inner voice, we will know our own answers. What makes me feel most alive and joyful? How can I make a difference and feel that my work is part of some greater plan or purpose?

Through the use of meditation, guided imagery, mandala drawing and movement, we will tap into our inner being and explore our vocation or calling. We will then look at the practicality of how this translates into the real world of work.

Sunday, June 15, 10am-5:30pm
08SPK01S Approved for CEUs
Members: $120 / Nonmembers: $130

For additional information or to register please call 212-219-2527 x 2 or visit www.opencenter.org

***Please share this information with anyone you think might be interested in attending. Thank you***

Official Website: http://www.opencenter.org

Added by Lulu2323 on June 13, 2008

Interested 1