1500 Binz St
Houston, Texas 77004

CMH is celebrating a unique holiday with roots in India and Nepal. Diwali means an “Array of Lamps,” which is why it’s often called a “festival of lights!” Come celebrate this exuberant holiday by creating colorful decorations to welcome visitors to your home.

Our Diwali celebration forms part of Seasons of Sharing, Houston’s only multicultural holiday exhibit for children spotlighting seven cultural celebrations, on display Nov. 14 through Jan. 10.

 Diwali Toran: Cut and color a traditional Diwali doorhanging, called a toran, to welcome visitors into your home.
 Diwali Diwa: Make a paper maché lantern with a pretend light inside.
 Medhi Hand Decorating: Trace your hands on a piece of paper and decorate them with swirls, flowers, or other designs of your choice

 Anjali Indian Dance Company. Renowned art director, Rathna Kumar leads traditional fast-paced Indian dances in celebration of Diwali.
Saturday, Nov. 21: 2 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 22: 2 p.m.

Official Website: http://www.cmhouston.org

Added by Childrens Museum of Houston on October 16, 2009