Rio Rancho, New Mexico

Driving to Success: Let Your Spirit Take the Wheel, a book by Leila Johnson will be published as an e-book on May 20, 2010. To celebrate the launch, a series of fun and exciting activities will be happening -

1. Every day from April 5, 2010 to May 20, 2010, short quotes from Leila’s book and her other writings called SpiriTweets will be posted on both Twitter ( and Facebook (

2. Leila is participating in the Next Top Spiritual Author Competition ( where you can read about and watch a video of her and her book. Don’t forget to VOTE FOR HER!

3. Get a chance to promote yourself and your business! After reading about Driving to Success and watching her author video on the Next Top Spiritual Author site, declare yourself a Spirit Driver on the Secrets to Driving Your Spirit Right blog ( Post a comment that answers the question: How did I let my Spirit drive today? The top 3 people with the best responses will be interviewed for the e-book launch on May 20, 2010. This is a great promotional activity for you and your business!

Join now and don’t miss out on all the fun!

Added by Spirit.Driving on April 21, 2010

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