3303 S.W. Bond Ave
Portland, Oregon 97239

This day-long workshop will explore a variety of mind-body techniques for enhancing fertility such as yoga, acupuncture, relaxation, effective communication, the Relaxation Response meditation technique, dealing with depressive symptoms through psychological support, and more.
Each paying registrant is encouraged to bring a partner or guest.
Paula Acker, LCSW will facilitate this workshop. Paula is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and the Clinic Counselor for OHSU Fertility Consultants for the past 15 years. In addition, she also has a private counseling practice specializing in helping those with infertility.
Saturday, Sep 20: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fee: $35 per couple
E. Paul Kirk Conference Center,
Center for Health and Healing at South Waterfront
3303 S.W. Bond Ave., Portland, Oregon 97239
Leader: Paula Acker, LCSW

Register Online: http://events.ohsu.edu/roi/597/Enhancing-Fertility-Through-Mind-Body-Techniques.htm

Official Website: http://www.ohsuwomenshealth.com

Added by sherga on September 10, 2008

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