401 Elliott Ave W
Seattle, Washington 98119

Come one, come all to the first F5 DevCentral User Group meeting in Seattle. Eat, drink, and enjoy some social networking with other folks interested in F5 related products and development technologies.

Parking: Underground parking at F5's office will likely be closed by the time the meeting starts so your best bet is to park in the parking lot one block east on the corner of 4th Ave W and Harrison.

Eats: F5 will provide pizza and drinks. Feel free to bring anything else you want to share B-).

6:30-6:45 - Welcome and introductions
6:45-7:15 - Dinner and socializing
7:15-7:45 - iRule Optimization Techniques
7:45-8:15 - Tech breakouts (iRules, iControl, BIG-IP, FirePass, ...)
8:15-8:30 - Wrapup.

Call for speakers! If you would like a speaking slot at this meeting (or any future meeting), please let me know and I'm sure we could arrange it.

Added by joepruitt on March 20, 2008