934 Brannan
San Francisco, California 94103

‘Tis the season to celebrate creativity and community. This month’s theme “celebrate” honors a year of community created through shared experiences around food and writing. Join us for a reading from Cave Canem fellow Arisa White and the revival of the Potluck Brigade!

Arisa’s work explores sexuality, trust, geography, truth telling, and coming of age. Youth chefs from Old Skool Café and our Potluck Brigade will serve dishes inspired by the themes of her poetry, though all are encouraged to contribute to the potluck.

Following the meal and reading, guests can share their writing from the workshop portion of the evening for an opportunity to win great prizes. Eat, write, and share with us at Feast of Words: A Literary Potluck!

House opens at 6:30PM
$10 in advance, $12 at the door, $5 with a potluck dish, cash bar.

Purchase advance tickets: http://feastofwords.eventbrite.com/

Added by SOMArts Press on December 3, 2011

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