1100 Chestnut Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

Orthomolecular Health, a non-profit organization supporting the use of natural nutrients in the prevention and treatment of mental and physical illness, will be screening two great documentary films about nutrition and mental health: Feed Your Head and Masks of Madness.

The screening will be followed up by a question and answer period, led by Dr. Christina Bjorndal ND.

See a preview of Feed Your Head here: http://www.documentarychannel.com/movie.php?currID=9384&t=Feed+Your+Head

Cost: $5 for members, $10 for non-members

Registration is recommended for the event, as it will fill up quickly. Please register online here: http://orthomed.org/isf/pubinfosessions.html

You can also call 416.733.2117 or email [email protected] to register.

Added by isforthomed on July 31, 2012