164 North State Street
Chicago, Illinois

2011, Directed by Guy Maddin

Influenced variously by film noir, the gangster and horror genres, Homer’s “Odyssey,” and “The Poetics of Space” by Gaston Bachelard, director Maddin (TALES FROM THE GIMLI HOSPITAL, MY WINNIPEG) fashions a shadowy tale of gangsters and ghosts holed up in a decaying house where a matronly beauty languishes in an upper room with her naked father chained to her bedside. The distinction between the living and the dead is hazy as KEYHOLE puckishly poses puzzle within puzzle. Surviving a shootout, wayfaring mobster Ulysses Pick (Patric), a bound captive and a sylph-like drowning victim in tow, navigates the haunted realms of his house to reach the lair of Hyacinth (Rossellini), his estranged wife.

Official Website: http://www.siskelfilmcenter.org/keyhole

Added by CHCGODuke on April 18, 2012