66 North Sixth Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Free Energy is a Philadelphia, PA band which includes Scott Wells, Paul Sprangers, Evan Wells, Geoff Bucknam, and Nick Shuminksy. Wells and Sprangers were both in now-defunct Hockey Night. Free Energy weaves melodic, hook-laden rock tunes with a heavy dose of bombastic glam and classic dust.

Where the similarly hook-tastic Hockey Night was highly reminiscent of Pavement and Truman’s Water, Free Energy shares more similarities with the heroes of old: Thin Lizzy, Cheap Trick, Boston, Fleetwood Mac,Bruce Springsteen, La Dusseldorf and pretty much every other rock band from the canon of classic rock radio. Free Energy could be grouped in a small, but growing 70s glam revival along with Portland, OR-based contemporaries, The Nice Boys.

Via blog posts on both Hockey Night and Free Energy Myspace pages, they promised “more news, shows, a limited DFA 7” single, videos, a mockumentary, recipes, safety tips, sound legal advice, sure bets, and where to go for the best deals.”

Free Energy is signed to DFA Records. James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem produced Free Energy’s upcoming record STUCK ON NOTHING, which will be released later this winter.

When I listen to a Foxy Shazam record I think of Evel Knievel, Bruce Springsteen, my childhood, Van Morrison, my old friends from high school I don’t talk to anymore, Elton John, the ’50s, ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, ’90s and beyond, Iggy Pop and my first kiss. One of my favorite things to do when listening to my music is to close my eyes and picture a crowd of six million people all chanting "Foxy! Foxy! Foxy!" The lights go out and my band walks on stage. It gives me goose bumps. It all makes sense to me. When you listen to our record, think of your favorite things and it’ll make sense to you as well.

Official Website: http://www.musichallofwilliamsburg.com/event/5407

Added by margszie on November 15, 2010

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