5501 N. Lamar Blvd. #A-105
Austin, Texas 78751

Don't miss Samiya Bashir's last Austin event before she pulls up stakes and begins the summer tour in earnest! If you haven't gotten your signed copy of Gospel yet, now's the time and BookWoman is the place!

Friday, May 22nd
7:00 p.m.
5501 N. Lamar Blvd. #A-105
Austin, Texas 78751 United States


Samiya is without question one of the most exciting poets writing today.—G. Winston James

The only thing better than reading Bashir’s words, so luscious and ripe you can taste them, is hearing her perform them. —Linda Villarosa

Samiya Bashir is a dynamic reader and performer who knows how to lift the words from the page, sail them from lips to air to ear to heart and carry readers, listeners and audience members with her on a journey.

As one audience member said at a recent event, "Samiya takes you on a deeply emotional journey, but you never feel alone. She holds you, and carries you all the way through and afterward you have the sweet feeling of landing, safely, together more whole than when you began."


Gospel is an ecumenical resistance song in four parts. We enter at the crossroads, tripped up by trickster deity Eshu-Elegba. A chorus of crows, led by Norse god Odin’s raven messengers Hugin & Munin*, guides us into each movement. In this passionate follow-up to 2005’s Lambda Literary Award finalist, Where the Apple Falls, Bashir’s poems challenge truth to stare down the power of fear and paralysis.

Official Website: http://www.samiyabashir.com/gospel.html

Added by Scryptkeeper on May 5, 2009

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