453 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013

Celebrate the official release of GOURMET GHOSTS--LOS ANGELES, a 274-page book about ghosts, murders and mysteries haunting 40 bars and restaurants in L.A. The illustrated guide includes eyewitness accounts, photos, and, of course, food and drink recommendations.

Originally from London, James Bartlett has been living in Los Angeles since 2004 and has been a freelance journalist since 1999. He has been published in over 90 magazines and newspapers including the Los Angeles Times, Angeleno, Los Angeles Magazine, LA Weekly, Westways, and Hemispheres.

Official Website: http://lastbookstorela.com/ai1ec_event/gourmet-ghosts-by-james-bartlett/?instance_id=18161

Added by The Last Bookstore on October 19, 2012

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