225 Decatur St
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

Hailing from Vermont, the band's roots rock, funky blues and soul-charged repertoire explodes with melodic crescendos, gentle lyricism and fiery youthful intensity. The Nocturnals' driving sound and Potter's exquisite, soaring voice have already earned comparisons to Norah Jones, Bonnie Raitt, Janis Joplin and The Band. Brandi Shearer's voice is an irresistible, smoky instrument imbued with an air of mystery and melancholy. She is also a first-class songwriter with a unique sound that blends the feeling of classic torch songs of the '30s and '40s with the relaxed melodies of old-time country music and bluesy, swinging jazz.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 5, 2008