c/o Forest Connections
Coleford, England GL16 7EG

See the landscape that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien as you journey through mysterious lands shaped by ancient industry. This walk will take you to the distinctive Devils Chapel with its interesting folk lore. Then across rolling countryside and woods carpeted in bluebells to the old Clanna estate and back through Lydney Park woods near the archaeological site worked on by Tolkien and back to your starting point.

Location: Bream
Distance: 9 miles (14.4 Km)
Grade: Moderate. This walk is not too difficult but you will need to keep to the paths near the old mine workings.

Official Website: http://www.ftg.org.uk/SB100/proddetail.php?prod=2011_05_15_SB4

Added by Wyedeantourism on February 5, 2011

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