237 W 42nd St
New York, New York 10036

On any Sunday you can visit with the Harlem Gospel Choir and enjoy a soul-food brunch. Here the Choir brings their experience of Harlem and the Black Church to Times Square in a foot stomping, hand clapping show for fans from around the world. The home-style "all you can eat" southern buffet is guaranteed to fill the hole in your soul, and the Choir's joyous performance will have you dancing on the stage.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 2, 2010



As much as I love Fiona Apple, I don't think I can deal with the stadium setting. (Especially after seeing her headline in places like the Fillmore and Largo.)


I agree with waxpancake here. I'd love to see her, but have lost patience for the large venues.


well it's been sold out for a while so don't worry about it :p


Hey, that's what eBay is for.