36-40 Edge Street
Manchester, England M4 1HN

This is an open-to-all event, where participants will be making lovely decorations, gadgets and flashy things ready for the holiday season.

Please come along, and feel free to bring Cakes, Snacks and Drinks, and lets build some great stuff!

About HAC:Manchester
HAC:Manchester is a Hackspace Group, a community-run arts, science and technology club. We run weekly drop-in workshop sessions, providing electronics, mechanical and computing knowledge, and tools for personal and group projects.

Our aim is to provide a space where people can work on their projects, hang out socially to talk about making things, plot world domination and work together to develop their collective skills.

Official Website: http://crd.fm/fd

Added by MadLabuk on December 19, 2011



with Gran Ronde

Interested 1