255 West Julian Street, Suite 100
San Jose, California 95110

Learn video production from the experts! Your videos will air on TV!

Field Production:
This session will teach you the basics of how to make a short video in the field on professional high-def cameras, including storytelling, scriptwriting, camera operation, audio, lighting, and digital editing with Final Cut Pro.

TV Studio Production:
This session will teach you how to produce a TV show in a professional studio environment, with three high-def cameras and switcher, lighting and audio board, and instructions in technical directing, floor managing, and hosting.

There are three sessions to choose from and cost incentives to take more than one session, if you would like to learn how to produce videos in the field and in the TV studio. Plus, families who want to register more than one child receive a $50 discount for each additional registration.

Session One: June 17 – June 28
9am-1pm: Field Production Middle School
1pm-5pm: Field Production High School

Session Two: July 8 – July 19
9am-1pm: Studio Production, Middle School
1pm-5pm: Field Production, High School

Session Three: July 22 – August 2
9am-1pm: Field Production, Middle School
1pm-5pm: Studio Production, High School

Early bird 1 session registration (2weeks prior to session start): $345
Late 1 session registration (up to 2nd day of session): $395
Early bird 2 session registration (sessions may be non-consecutive): $595 ($95 savings)
Family discount: $50 off each additional registration

Register: Call (408) 295-8815 ext. 301 or email [email protected]

Official Website: http://www.creatvsj.org/learn/youth-programs/icreatv-2013-summer-video-camp/

Added by CreaTV on March 22, 2013

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