6712 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90028

IN THE CUT: EMPLOYING THE ART OF EDITING, 180 min. The shower scene in PSYCHO. Two glamorous bank robbers' final end in BONNIE AND CLYDE. A runaway baby carriage in BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN. Lack of continuity in BREATHLESS. Chances are you first remember these master works for their editing. But when do you employ the jump cut, avoid a reverse shot or cut elliptically? What is their actual effect? What are “dialectical montage” and “suturing,” and how does “cutting to a character’s POV” enhance a film? Thomas Ethan Harris leads a discussion where everything’s in the cut. $20 General, $15 Student/Senior, $12 Member.

Added by AmericanCinematheque on February 9, 2011

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