830 Bancroft Way, Suite 104
Berkeley, California 94710

Please join us for a special presentation of the EnlightenNext Discovery Cycle - An evening of inquiry, inter-subjective engagement and social networking.

As someone who sees and feels that the future is in our hands, you’re aware that there’s never been more potential for cultural transformation than at this moment in history. So many of us now have the tools, resources, and perspectives to actually create a new world—one based on a recognition that the “inner” and the “outer,” consciousness and culture, are one, and that who we are isn’t separate from the 14-billion-year epic of cosmic evolution.

Because you’re beginning to awaken to this cosmic perspective, you likely feel compelled to make your life a reflection of that evolutionary potential. But you also know that that in order to actually bring about such an important evolutionary shift on a collective level, you need to come together with others to take a significant leap forward.

It is with this recognition in mind that we would like to invite you to join us for this presentation. Our goal for the Discovery Cycle is to demonstrate how the explosive realization that consciousness and culture are one really does have the power to change our world for the better.

Official Website: http://rudramandir.com/workshops/living-at-the-edge.html

Added by blocksharon on August 26, 2009

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