1519 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Experience the international sensation that has broken box office records in more than 30 countries and helped catapult Irish dancing into the global spotlight. Described by the New York Post as "fascinating, rewarding and above all, entertaining," and by the Los Angeles Times as "a showpiece extravaganza," Lord of the Dance is a mesmerizing blend of traditional and modern Celtic music and dance. The story is a classic tale of good vs. evil based on old Irish folklore. It is also a passionate love story that is expressed through dance numbers that transports audiences into a mystical and exhilarating world of intense passion. The action is played out on a grand scale with precision dancing, dramatic music, colorful costumes, state-of-the-art staging, lighting, and pyrotechnics.


2/13/09, 7:30pm
2/14/09, 1:30pm & 7:30pm

Added by marketing.intern on November 17, 2008