665 High St
Palo Alto, California 94301

As a wiki culture, we've had amazing success and wikis have become an essential tool for public and private groups world-wide. The next step in the evolution is putting people in the center of the discussions, and that's what the newest release of Socialtext's wiki is focused on. Come join us to check out the exciting new product release at Socialtext (if you missed it at the Web 2.0 Expo), and chat it up with us. We'll even feed you!

About Socialtext:

About lunch 2.0

What to expect at a Lunch 2.0

Official Website: http://www.socialtext.com

Added by ericgonzalez on April 16, 2008



where can we rsvp?


MBATechieChick, do so here with an Upcoming account.