151 Andover St
Peabody, Massachusetts 01960

New England author Marissa Walsh appears to discuss and sign copies of her latest book, Girl With Glasses. In this book, Walsh combines a humorous personal memoir with a cultural study that explores just what it means to be a glasses-wearing girl. Walsh takes readers along for the ride as she details her own four-eyed life by recounting her optic history through the lenses of each pair of glasses she has owned - from the Sergio Valentes and the Sally Jessy Raphaels to the pseudo John Lennons and the dreaded health plan specs - until she at last finds the once thought to be elusive perfect pair.

Walsh will also be appearing at Borders in Downtown Crossing (Boston) and Braintree. Visit www.bordersstores.com for more details.

Official Website: http://www.bordersstores.com

Added by mfulkers on October 22, 2006

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