99 6th St.
Santa Rosa, California 95401

Mark Crispin Miller, author of ?Fooled Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Election & Why They?ll Steal The Next One Too (Unless We Stop Them)? has agreed to extend his upcoming Bay Area tour up into the North Bay, this weekend!

Admission: $10/sliding scale (no one turned away!)

In his new book renowned critic and political commentator Mark Crispin Miller argues that it wasn?t moral values that swung the election-it was theft. While the greatest body of evidence comes from the key state of Ohio-where the Democratic staff of the House Judiciary Committee found an extraordinary onslaught of Republican-engineered vote suppression, election-day irregularities, old-fashioned intimidation tactics, and illegal counting procedures-similar practices (and occasionally worse ones) were applied in Florida, Oregon, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and even New York. A huge array of anomalies, improper practices, and blatant violations of the law all, by a truly remarkable coincidence, happened to swing in the Bush ticket?s favor.

Official Website: http://www.pdsonoma.org/

Added by wellstone on May 3, 2006

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