Omaha to Lincoln, Nebraska

More than 1,300 Expected to Race in
Market To Market’s 2nd Annual 84-Mile Relay Run
To Benefit the Nebraska Trails Networks

(OMAHA, Neb., April 1, 2009) Designed for runners of all abilities, the second annual, 84-mile Market To Market relay race will be held on October 10. Public race sign up will begin on May 5th at 8 a.m. The endurance race will be open to 130 teams of six to eight persons. The race will start from the Old Market in Omaha and end in the Haymarket in Lincoln, traveling through small towns, rural farms, downtown brick roads, state parks, over rivers and streams and across the plains. The race will be followed by a celebration in the Haymarket from 3:30 to 11:30 p.m. with live music, radio remotes, food and drinks.

“This event started as a dream of ours last year, and it has become wildly popular. We had more than 200 teams signup three months in advance of last year’s race,” said Ben Cohoon, race director and founder. “Because the race has become so popular, I want to encourage everyone who wants to make the list this year to go to and learn how to enter our team lottery.”

Running Green
“We want everyone who comes to Market To Market to have a great time, but we also want to establish the race as one of the most environmentally friendly races in the country,” Cohoon said. Runners will be encouraged to pick up trash on the trails and recycle their running shoes. All race materials will be printed on recycled paper. On-site recycling will be provided and the race will purchase green tags to offset the carbon emissions of the vehicles used in the race. Market To Market is also a member of 1% For The Planet and will donate 10 percent of its sponsorship money and donations to maintaining local trail systems through the Great Plains and Eastern Nebraska Trails Networks.

“Last year we were able to raise more than $8,500 for local charities including: Nebraska Trails Foundation, Arbor Day Foundation, Bellevue Kiwanis Club, and Lincoln YMCA,” said Cohoon. “Market To Market also collected more than 600 lightly used pairs of running shoes for donation.”

The Course
“The obvious route from Omaha to Lincoln would be Highway 6,” Cohoon said. “But then I found out about the footbridge across the Platte River and decided that the route would be a lot more fun it we could make it through a connection of trails. On our Web site, you can read about each of the 21 race legs and which parts of Nebraska they cover.”

“Police and sheriffs will help to make this event as safe as possible,” said Cohoon. “A few roads will be closed to Omaha to make the race easier. In addition each exchange point will serve as an Aid Station and EMTs will be positioned throughout the course so that if something happens we can react as quickly as possible. Since so much of this course is on trails, and runners will be spread out, there will be safety patrols monitoring the runners between exchange points.”

Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital
Each of the rest areas between race legs will offer educational and fun exhibits. Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital (NOH), Market To Market’s presenting sponsor, will provide physical therapists for the race’s starting line and staff a medical tent near the finish line.

“Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital is excited to be the presenting sponsor for the second year of the Market to Market Relay,” said Tom Macy, Chief Executive Officer of the NOH. “We feel this is a great partnership between this exciting running event and our dedication to athletes and orthopaedic care. We are looking forward to helping make this event a success.”

Editor’s Note: For high resolution photos or to schedule an interview with Ben Cohoon please call Bill Flavell at (402) 965-4360 or contact me by e-mail at [email protected]. Also feel free to check out our blog for more information:

A few quotes from last year’s runners:
“Great job on the race. Great volunteers, great route, great organization,” said Bob Glissmann.Team World-Herald.

“I have ran a lot of races and this one was by far the most fun!” said Melita Reineke, TD Ameritrade
“I also wanted to tell you how much fun this race was. I have ran many big races over the years (Indianapolis Marathon, Rock and Roll Marathon, Lincoln Marathon and numerous Corporate cups and Omaha Marathons) but this was by far the most exciting and enjoyable!! We had an absolute blast and can't wait to do it again next year,” said David W. Kruse, Team FedEx.

Official Website:

Added by swept14 on April 6, 2009

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