Omaha, Nebraska

Designed for runners of all abilities, the 86-mile Market To Market relay race on October 11, is going to be a lot of fun. The endurance race will take up to 150 teams of six to eight persons from the Old Market in Omaha to the Haymarket in Lincoln and through small towns, rural farms, downtown brick roads, state parks, over rivers and streams and across the plains. The race will be followed by a celebration in the Haymarket from 3:30 to 11:30 p.m. with live music, radio remotes, food and drinks. The race will be limited to 150 teams. Team registration is available at www.markettomarketrelay.com.

“The 86-mile course is divided into legs of 2.45 to 5.5 miles. Each team selects a runner for three or four legs of the course,” according to Ben Cohoon, race director and founder. “Team distance running events are really becoming popular: Brew to Brew in Kansas, the Wild West Relay in Colorado and Hood to Coast in Oregon have become high profile events. My friends and I just wanted to share this fun idea with our home state. What makes these events so cool is that they combine the beauty of running with the competitive nature of team sports.”

Official Website: http://www.markettomarketrelay.com

Added by swept14 on August 4, 2008

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