1000 LaSalle Avenue, TMH 166
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

The Mini Master of Supply Chain Management will introduce you to or refine your strategies in supplier management systems.
In today’s marketplace, cutting costs is no longer a catch-phrase, it’s the reality. Customers require high-quality, low-cost products in shorter lead times while companies require the same from their suppliers. Satisfying these demands requires a systematic approach to supplier selection, evaluation, management, and improvement.

When you improve your supply chain management, you’ll benefit by:
• Better understanding the system as a whole.
• Implementing tools, tactics, and procedures to ensure you receive high quality materials at the lowest price.
• Producing your products at a lower cost.

Upcoming Offering:
September 15 - November 17, 2011
Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Minneapolis Campus

You’ll gain hands-on material delivered by experienced practitioners for immediate application in the workplace.

There are no prerequisites or pre-readings to enroll in this non-degree program.

Please visit the University of St. Thomas Mini Master of Supply Chain Managementwebsite for more information or copy and paste the following URL: http://exed.stthomas.edu/SupplyChainManagementMN.

Official Website: http://exed.stthomas.edu/SupplyChainManagementMN

Added by ustcbe on August 4, 2009

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