1219 Sw Park Ave
Portland, Oregon 97205

The Belluschi Building's Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Sculpture Court is dedicated to exhibiting large-scale works from the Museum's holdings. In 2005, the Museum introduced the Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art to accommodate the growing collection. Located on all six floors of the Mark Building, the 28,000-square-foot Center was created to present rotating exhibitions of more than 400 modern works from the collection, in addition to special contemporary art exhibitions. The Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art is connected to the Belluschi Building by the underground Link Gallery. As visitors exit the Link Gallery and ascend six floors through the Center, the installations trace the evolution of Modernism in roughly chronological order. A variety of media are incorporated into this complex presentation, including traditional paintings and sculpture, photography, works on paper, decorative arts, new media and time-based art such as video and sound works. Since 2005, the fourth floor of the Center has featured exhibitions from the Miller Meigs contemporary art series, which celebrates new ideas, artists, and mediums.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 7, 2012

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