315 Mass Ave
Cambridge, Massachusetts

After five successful years in Chicago, mgFest expands to a second US city by premiering eight diverse motion graphic creations on Lumen Eclipse's video art kiosk in Harvard Square.

The opening reception for this month-long exhibit will be held at Middlesex Lounge in Central Square, Cambridge. The reception will feature the ( Design | Sound | Code ) screening and will transition into an interactive audio/visual showcase.

Bob Trahpek from Boston's own Sonic Beating and Zia-Trance will sonically navigate thru choice downtempo grooves while VJ Mason Dixon mixes video segments from the premier to the mood of the live music.

Added by da5zeay on February 28, 2008



Saw this via the Boston Flash Platform Users Group digest, added it! Unfortunately I can't make it on Friday, but apparently the festival is running for a month. I love motion graphics.

Interested 2