Hadnock Road
Monmouth, Wales NP25 3NG

A walk with a geomorphological theme: the landscape will be interpreted in terms of the forces that have shaped it over millions of years. There is much of interest to see en route, including Newland village and its magnificent church (the Cathedral of the Forest), fine woodland, open fields, ancient sunken lanes, a huge valley eroded and then abandoned by the River Wye and a superb view of the Wye Gorge from its brink.

Leader: Nic Howes
Distance: 5 miles / 8 km
Location: Newland, Forest of Dean
Time: 9:30am
Cost: Free
Booking: Essential
Contact: Sarah Sawyer, Wye Valley AONB Community Links Officer
Tel: 01600 710844 email: [email protected]

Added by Wyedeantourism on April 20, 2012

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