Speech House
Coleford, England GL16 7EL

New For 2011 – NORDIC WALKING - great way to get fit, lose those excess pounds gained over the Christmas period, while at the same time enjoying our countryside. Some good reasons why you should try Nordic Walking:

Burns 20-40% more calories
Works the whole body
Easy to Learn
Sociable & Fun

Want to know more then why not come along to our 2hr workshop to be held January 29th where you will be given an introduction to this growing fitness activity. Cost £15 2hr workshop.

Meet at Cyril Hart Arboretum Nr Speech House. Places are limited so early booking advisable. For further information and book call 01594 832248 Mob: 07853 136827 or email [email protected]

Official Website: http://www.way2goadventures.co.uk/

Added by Wyedeantourism on January 14, 2011

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