A246 Bookham
Bookham, England

Our regular night ride, with a loop round the North Downs. The ride is usually between 2 - 2 and a half hours, not too fast - exact distance and route depends on energy and enthusiasm levels!

Note, this is not an organised ride. We're just mountain bikers going roughly in the same direction at roughly the same time!

We give an extra 10 mins for laggards so aim to start by 7:40pm and you'll definitely need decent lights.

Find our meeting point on Google maps.

Official Website: http://www.muddymoles.org.uk/

Added by Muddy Matt on February 15, 2009



Hopefully we can avoid the hawthorn routes. I dont relish fixing multiple punctures in the dark :) :)

Muddy Matt

Just to let people know Dave and myself aren't out tonight - we've an old friend over from Ireland for the day so have had to sacrifice the ride. Honest!!

Also, Lee says he's unavailable too...

Muddy Bean

I've gotta work late tonight and Dave P is away so safe to assume there is no ride !


I will get round to coming on a ride soon. Thanks for the heads up though Matt.


Typical. The first empty wednesday I get (half term so Im not on babysitting duty), lights all charged up, bike all prepped, car tacticly claimed from the better half and everyone bails out.

Have a good piss up :)

See you another ride soon :)

Interested 2