A246 Bookham
Bookham, England

This week we're aiming for a Thursday ride given that a few of our partners are busy Wednesday night.

Our regular night ride, with a loop round the North Downs. The ride is usually between 2 - 2 and a half hours, not too fast - exact distance and route depends on energy and enthusiasm levels...

Note, this is not an organised ride. We're just mountain bikers going roughly in the same direction at roughly the same time!

We give an extra 10 mins for laggards so aim to start by 7:40pm and you'll definitely need decent lights.

See our Highlands Garage meeting point on Google maps.

Official Website: http://www.muddymoles.org.uk/

Added by Muddy Matt on June 17, 2009


Muddy Bean

Sorry to all who do attend and I don't want to put you off, but as I can't make the start in Bookham on time, I've asked Matt to build in the Alsation climb early in the route so I can meet you at the bottom


Unlikley i can make this one again chaps, but hope to re-join you on Sunday or next Wednesday.

Did 'Killer Loop' in the High Peaks (Edale / Hope Valleys) last weekend - one of the best trails i've ridden, recommend it!

Neill P

Just got my pass for tonight, I will probably meet you with Colin at the bottom of Alsation. I need an excuse to try out my mew PA!

Muddy Matt

Nice one Neil, we expect to meet Colin about 7:50 just down from Alsation (where he normally turns off for home), but we'll be heading your way soon after.