A246 Bookham
Bookham, England

Cold again but hopefully dry. Seems like the cold weather just doesn't want to let go just yet. Wear your thermals!

Usual kind of ride planned, maybe with some route variations to keep to firmer ground.

The ride is usually between 2 - 2 and a half hours, not too fast - exact distance and route depends on energy and enthusiasm levels.

Note: You are responsible for your safety at all times

This is not an organised ride. We're just mountain bikers going roughly in the same direction at roughly the same time!

We give an extra 10 mins for laggards so aim to start by 7:40pm and you'll definitely need decent lights.

See our Highlands Garage meeting point on Google maps.

Official Website: http://www.muddymoles.org.uk/

Added by Muddy Matt on February 9, 2010

Interested 2