Just off the A246 roundabout.
Bookham, England

Looking forward to seeing Whiteboy's new bike (whatever it might be). Disappointingly, it looks as though it may be damp again. I need to bail for an 11:30 return (as in, in the house and showering by 11:30, not out in the garden cleaning bikes by 11:30!) so will need to cut my ride short but I expect some of the others will ride longer.

Note: You are responsible for your safety at all times

This is not an organised ride. We're just mountain bikers going roughly in the same direction at roughly the same time!

We give an extra 10 mins for laggards so aim to start by 8:40am.

See our Bocketts Farm meeting point on Google Maps.

Official Website: http://www.muddymoles.org.uk/

Added by Muddy Matt on December 11, 2009

Interested 1