289 Kent Ave bt. s.1st & s. 2nd
Brooklyn, New York 11211

If you missed the first go round at Zebulon last month, anyone will tell you it was a real killer-diller for a capacity crowd that was friggin' the fug out! This is the second and final rehearsal and last one for a spell before we go big time in June so DON'T MISS IT!

Learn how to PONY like Bonie Maronie! HITCH HIKE across the floor, pass the BUG, and kill that ROACH! America's most popular soul DJ MR. JONATHAN TOUBIN (of SOUL CLAP & DANCE-OFF, etc http://newyorknighttrain.com/soulclap/jtbio.html), just returning from his tour of Mardi Gras, Miami, and the Caribbean, throws down the finest 60s dance craze songs, from early-sixties TWISTers to late sixties FUNKY CHICKENS, while GEORGIA WALKER, SARAH KING, and special guests show you how each dance is done with both flair and enthusiasm, and B.A. MIALE's (aka BAMiAM.tv) famous keytar-triggered moving visuals not only blow your mind and tell you the name of the steps, but show old clips of your favorite artists doing it...

Now lemme hear you say: "Na, Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na!"


also, join the LAND OF 1000 PAGE to share knowledge about the 60s dance craze steps and how to do them! (http://www.facebook.com/pages/NY-Night-Trains-Land-of-1000-Dances/182584835115738)

and makes sure to fall by Zebulon Saturday, Mar 12, when Mr T brings Mardi Gras back home from New Orleans a little late for his patented Tardy Gras celebration...

keep up with New York Night Train:
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- Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/New-York-Night-Train/47167209984)
- mailinglist(at)newyorknighttrain.com

get on board....

Added by newyorknighttrain on March 2, 2011

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