71 E Yale Ave
Denver, Colorado 80210

A "hoot-en-an-ny" is described as an informal performance by folk singers, typically with audience participation. For many years, Harry Tuft wanted to recapture the spirit and substance of the original Folklore Center hootenannies, where it was 75 cents to pay or play. People hung out, socialized, swapped songs, told tales and whiled away the evenings in a haze of good music and good company. In the cozy environs of the Tuft Theater, this revised hootenanny is set up like an open stage, with a sign-up sheet and a hoot leader (Harry). Be sure to bring your instrument. It's a chance to join in the centuries-old tradition of sharing musical ideas with like-minded folks. An old-fashioned hootenanny is the best possible place to learn new songs and new licks, and to hear old songs performed in entirely new ways.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 2, 2008