1945 Se Water Ave
Portland, Oregon 97214

You are invited to an evening of ancient intrigue and modern exploration. For this spectacular evening, every level of the museum is yours to enjoy in high Nile style. Savor lush buffets, signature cocktails, and abundant time to mingle with friends and special guests.

Our premiere exhibit and theme for this year's Gala, Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science employs the most advanced technological tools to illuminate the captivating world of ancient Egypt as never before. You will have the opportunity to examine real human and animal mummies, tomb art, facial forensic reconstructions, CT-scans, and funerary artifacts. Decode hieroglyphics, build your own pyramid, and explore the religious, cultural, and scientific significance of mummification.

Official Website: http://www.omsi.edu/galaabout

Added by ericdanielking on September 22, 2010